My journey to and with the Tsaara people

  • 1987 master's degree in linguistics, English and theology in Cologne, Germany
  • bringing up 3 children
  • 1988 - 1993: working in a pregnancy care centre in Heidelberg, Germany
  • 1996 - 2003: living in Toronto, Canada; training in art therapy and picture framing
  • 2002 - 2020: selfemployed as a picture framer / art gallery owner
  • 2020 - 2021: caretaker in a senior's home
  • from 2008: journeys to Ethiopia during my vacation times
  • August 2008 - March 2013: three journeys to Ethiopa,  training nationals in basic linguistics
  • February 2016 - June 2022: eight workshops on: developing an orthography and primer reading materials for the Tsaara language, training teachers, coordinated by Wycliffe Ethiopia
  • October 2019: official dedication ceremony of the gospel of John in a Tsaara village
  • November 2021: signing a contract between Kaffa government and Wycliffe Ethiopia for cooperation in research and training towards Tsaara mothertongue education
  • from March 2022, working full time in literacy as a member / missionary of Kontaktmission Germany (see here for Kontaktmission US, and here for KontaktCanada)
  • September 2023: a first theologically checked draft of the Tsaara New Testament is finished
  • March 2024: reviewers' conference - linguistic check, discussion of key terms and dialect use
  • April 2024: training of 3 literacy teachers to start reading classes for the remaining 3 Tsaara villages
  • negotiations with the local education bureau about introducing Tsaara as subject in primary schools for Tsaara children

Here, in short, the story of my dream and vision